Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 309: A delay of sorts.

And by delay, I mean in my blogging abilities.

Here has what has happened since I last blogged:
  • My friend's car got towed from my complex on St. Patrick's Day. I felt awful about the whole situation and paid the entire towing fee. (Note, the fee was f-ing expensive.)

  • I'm on a perpetual losing/rejection streak

  • I am completely and utterly unmotivated

  • My roommate has been coming back and forth these past few days and I socialize with her

  • I'm failing as a friend (not calling people, etc) -- and I'm sorry but please don't call me right now...I need to get my feet back on the ground

  • I'm dropping more friends because they're dumb

  • I really hate overly responsive students in class

  • I'm over school (not learning)
I just want to sleep for a minute. Just one.


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Nicki said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Chin up, girl! Your friends are here for you when you're ready....keep on keepin on :)