Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 208: Boys,Time Management and Donuts

The male species here in North Carolina are all so...not for me. My roommate has a new job. The boys at her new job asked about her roommate (me). Some of them have given her pictures of themselves to show me. All these little kids (literally, they're all teenagers) amuse me. Because they're so desperate for a girl. I just thought that would be a funny anecdote for you all.

Speaking of my roommate's new is at Krispy Kreme.What does that mean for me? A crap ton of donuts and a gabajillion pounds. Not good.

This is pretty much what I've done with the donuts she's brought home...

In other news, because all I know is science now, I didn't even know when I went home. I thought I flew home on Wednesday 12/17 but apparently it's Tuesday 12/16. Ha. Good thing I checked my flight status again. Now I can't decide if I want to pay an extra $75 to catch the first flight out, in an attempt to avoid air traffic and weather issues. I am going to home a whole day earlier than I thought so I guess it won't be that big of a deal.

Anyhoo, more studying. I think it's ridiculous how much I love doing problems and making sure I understand the stereochemistry and all that fun science jargon. Whee nerdyness!