Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 3088: My first interview

I had my first interview for residency this week. It was wonderful! It is a program in the South, not as prestigious as others, but the residents seemed really happy and they liked each other. The program has good working and social relationships with the categoricals (aka only internal medicine or pediatrics), which is important to me. The intern/first year schedule seemed a little babying. They only rotate once in 16 months through an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of some sort (pediatric, neonatal, or medical). On one hand, it's nice to get a handle of being doctor those first sixteen months. On the other hand, it's nice to get thrown in to the thick of it -- "welcome to being a doctor! May the odds forever be in your favor." All in all, this program set the bar high for what I am looking for in future colleagues and a future curriculum.

I hope to blog after each interview in hopes of fathoming a must-have list for my ultimate program (and it guarantees blog posts which keeps people *coughJesscough* happy ;P) and figuring out which program is the best fit for me.

Blog soon! xx