Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 592: New year, new thinking

Hello all! I hope you all had a lovely Chrismukkahkwanzaa. Goodbye 2009, hello 2010!

This year, I am getting into medical school. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I can't promise no negativity and doubt, but I can promise a better attitude. It's very easy for me to fall into a "poor me" state rather than bolster myself and recognize the amazingness that is me. That's why I have all of you :) So, thanks for being such a wonderful support system. I take you all for granted way too much.

Anyway, in the world of academics, my online statistics course starts on Monday. I've never taken an online course before and my biggest concern is that I'll fall behind and not do the work. However, with that kind of thinking, it seems inevitable that I won't fall behind because I'm so worried about falling behind -- does that make sense? Hopefully it'll be easy enough to learn and keep up with. This class is on the quarter system, so I will finish it up in 10 weeks.

I am also, as previously mentioned, taking a Biochemistry course this semester as well. This Biochem course is 15 weeks long (ergo, on the semester system) and only once a week. I need to get around to actually paying for it but I'm geekily excited about it. I like the idea of actually thinking and using my brain again.

With my online stats class and evening Biochem class, I will be interning daily Monday through Thursday. I'm hoping this will give me more to do with the actual research. If it doesn't, I'm going to start volunteering or something. Or else I'll be sitting around and doing my homework at the lab, which is fine too I suppose. I just want to feel useful this year.