Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 2910: Where does all the time go?

As an excuse, pediatric surgery had long hours and then my lovely friend Alex came to visit for a week, and then I just haven't been using my computer that much. So, there, excuses out of the way.

I keep toying with the idea of being a surgeon, but I think I truly believe that I like that my life more than I like being a doctor. So, I am sticking with med-peds (or just internal medicine).

I am on my second month of surgery and then I am off to inpatient pediatrics in May. Then, outpatient pediatrics where my other darling friend Tiff is coming to visit. And so are my parents. Then my sister comes to visit for 4th of July weekend. I have a lot to look forward to.

This post is uber-erratic. I apologize. I can't seem to formulate anything worth reading about (on your end) so I will end it here. I hope to blog again soon, and with more substance.

Until then!

PS This time issue is clearly a theme given the fact that I have three posts in 2014 with variations on the same title.