Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 2013: Just my luck

So, I have had all this unnecessary friend drama in the past few weeks. First, with an ex-close girlfriend and now with my closest friend here at school. I promise, it isn't interesting. It's annoying.

On top of all of that, my grandmother (not my dearest Ama, thank goodness) is in critical condition due to a bowel herniation (in English: her intestines are poking out of places they shouldn't) and my Dad is in Taiwan now to be with her.

I had a hair appointment scheduled for today and on my way to the appointment, I get a call telling me the stylist is out sick and my appointment has to be rescheduled. I need a little TLC right now and it doesn't seem like it is anywhere in sight. Sigh.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 2010: The work never ends, post-NYC

Ooph. Med school really just goes and goes and goes.

New York was fabulous. Here are some pictures.

This kid loves to mug.

Life moves on, later in the day of the Empire State shooting.

Birthday dinner!

The new World Trade Center (the funky shaped one)

Danny's favorite picture of me. Studying makes me pout.

Danny and I are disappointed we got so few pictures together! Still, a great trip. I love seeing friends. It only makes my entire world.

Today was a crappy day on a lot of counts (socially/friend-wise and family health-wise) but all the right people called me today to make me feel loved and cared for and reminded me that despite all the downs in life, there are lots of ups around you if you look for them. I love you BFFFH (et al :P)!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 2006: Happy birthday to me!

For the big quarter-century, my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to New York City! We are currently on a plane (yes, this early) en route! We plan on seeing my friends, hanging out in Central Park, running in Central Park, doing a little shopping, perhaps catching a play/show, eating and enjoying the atmosphere that is the greatest city on earth.

Now you all understand why I had to be on top of my school game and why I will probably still be studying whilst in the Big Apple. If anything, I will have the glorious New York City skyline to study to. Below are two photos I took of New York ages ago, just because I love this city at-least-two-photos-worth.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 2005: Holy sh!t.

The first day was fine. The second day was a bit of a "holy sh!t" moment. We learned, I swear, an entire undergraduate course worth of immunology in one hour. And, after looking at some of the study resources provided by our pharmacology tutors, I apparently am not running (as in hitting the ground) fast enough. Did I forget to mention yesterday that by December 15th (of this year), I will have learned more than 500 drugs? Not just names people. Mechanisms, side effects, etc etc. FIVE. HUNDRED. I don't even know five hundred people, including celebrities whom I stalk.

My mom seems displeased that I don't plan on attending class today but after going the first two days, I know that I cannot passively sit in a room and listen for hours on end. I need to be actively learning, writing, thinking, or else I am honestly just wasting my time.

It seems quite evident that staying on top of each day's material is a very good thing. It also seems quite evident that I will defiinitely be studying while on vacation. (What vacation you ask? Stay tuned!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 2004: ...of hell

...of hell what?

Yesterday was my first day, and it is "of hell." Why is it "of hell" you ask? Because, the second year of medical school is a very exciting and frightening thing.

Exciting: you are furthering your medical knowledge and actually learning some medicine (pharmacology/drugs, pathology/disease, physical exam skills/things your doctor does to see if you're sick, etc).

Frightening: The first day of school marks the first of many hellish days that lead up to your first board exams. :\

Hence the need to be on-the-ball.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 2003: The first day...

Today, my sweet sweet readers, was the first day of my second year of medical school. I have to say, it went pretty okay. Orientation was completed by noon (which is infinitely better than an entire week, read: first year). We only had one real lecture today, so that was good.

I, of course, hit the ground running. I am doing something very fun on my birthday (make sure to check the blog that day to see what's happening) so I need to be very on top of my school work this week. I learned everything I needed to learn today (the six types of necrosis/necroses, hypertrophy/atrophy, other pathology) so I'm feeling good. I am trying to get ahead but it's hard to be motivated on day-one. I think learning everything I was taught today (actual, active learning) is pretty darn good.

Also! Today is a good sign of things to come. I tried on a random jacket of mine (to take to school since they always blast the air conditioning) and found a credit card I have been looking for since late 2011. I win.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 1998: My last day

Today was my last day at the family medicine clinic. It was a bit bittersweet for a lot of reasons. It wasn't with my favorite of the two doctors. The doctor I like a bit better came in (I hope explicitly) to say goodbye to me (and brought the office/me muffins), which was touching. My favorite nurse was off today but she did leave a sweet card for me.

The day was like any other, well-baby checks, UTIs, hurt joints, diabetes. It's comforting in a strange way, to know that life goes on when things feel like they stop for you. This externship ending means that school really is about to start. (The first day of class is Monday August 20th.) Everything moves forward, even me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 1991: Children

I decided something today. After seeing children upon children in my almost-seven weeks here, I have to say, I am not impressed. Babies cry…a lot. When they become toddlers, they talk…a lot. They have a lot of energy and need to be played with…a lot. I like playing with the patient’s children, or the patients themselves if they are children, but I like that they are not my own. I like giving them back to their mommies or daddies because I sure as heck don’t want them. So, let it be known, family medicine has shown me that despite how adorable some children are, others are a huge pain in the butt. I don’t like those odds. Childbearing is definitely not in my near future (or ever? We’ll see how that goes.) My parents lucked out with how marvelous my sister and I were. Marvelous, I tell you. Don’t let them tell you otherwise! ;)

My Mom and my cousin's son

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 1990: On the media

I feel like there is a very tumultuous relationship between the media and crazy people.

After seeing this image (above, highlighted in blue) on, I feel like all these crazies come out of the woodwork when their fellow crazies get all this media attention for, well, being crazy. It feels like a cyclical process of crappy people doing crappy things and then the media swarms in and then other crappy people do similar crappy things and then more media swarm and so on and so forth.

I wonder if there is a way to bring justice to those who lost their lives without bringing all this attention to the one(s) who took their lives. I honestly think it makes other people want to "live on" and make people "hear their message" and other really messed up sh!t.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 1989: Wisconsin Shooting

While running errands yesterday, my local public radio was interrupted with news that a man had taken hostages at a Sikh temple nearby.

Images from CNN, Washington Post and NY Times.

I think I must be desensitized to all of this shooting and death because it didn't even register to me as I was listening to the radio that this would soon become national news. I have driven by this temple on numerous occasions and it seems crazy to me that something like this could happen so close to where I live. This is Milwaukee people. All that happens is people get drunk every minute of every day, not shot at.

Anyway, we received an email from the president of the school telling us not to talk to reporters about the people being treated at our hospital. I'm a medical student. The fact that I can identify a gunshot wound is probably the full extent of my knowledge. But, it's good to be discreet.

Here's to medicine healing the sick, the wounded, and, unfortunately, the terrible people who do bad things.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 1987: The ER

I have worked in the ER twice in the past two weeks and I have say, I am not impressed. Some people in my class love emergency medicine but I am not one of them. The pace is very...irregular.

I arrived for the 7am to 3pm shift and the first two hours were big snoozes. Nothing happens. And when something does, a patient comes in, the nurses deal with all the preliminary stabilizing and history-taking and then we (the doctor and I) go in and talk to them for five minutes to get more information about why they came in and then we leave. Next, tests are run. Then, when the results come back, they either confirm a diagnosis and the patient is admitted to the hospital (which basically means the patient is handed off from the ER to another specialty (pulmonology if it's a lung problem, cardiology if it's a heart problem, etc)). Or, the patient is fine and we send them home.

What I realized after shadowing the first time was that I dislike the lack of relationships in the ER. Sure, it's similar to family medicine in the sense that you have to know a lot and you have to know what tests to run to confirm your knowledge, but then the patient goes bye-bye (to another doctor, not to heaven, ha) and you never see them again. One of the things I have managed to figure out this summer is, I like relationships. I like actually knowing things about patients. I like maintaining said relationships. Who would have thunk, Miss Anti-Social would actually like talking to patients? Ha. The world sure is funny sometimes.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 1984: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

When you first hear the specialty "physical medicine and rehabilitation," you probably hear what I hear..."rehabilitation." Then, you think this MD is a physical therapist and then you think, "how sad that this person went through four plus years of medical school to do rehab." Snore.

Let me tell you, I met an amazing doctor today who loves her job and has, what appears to be, one sweet job. She sets her own hours. She does procedures (which translates to $$$). She does things that seem eastern medicine like (such as feeling out muscles and bones and testing nerves). She does not work nights. She is not on call. She gets to do sports medicine (and I love sports). She sees people of all ages.

This woman was so passionate and knowledgeable about her work that I was extremely excited by the prospect that I may actually have found something I want to do for the rest of my life...maybe. But this maybe is better than nothing!

What the doctor told me was PM&R (as it's called) is a three-year residency followed by (at least) one year in a specialty of your choice (post-stroke rehab, sports medicine, post-spinal cord injury rehab, etc). Lots of cool stuff! I will keep you all posted on how PM&R works out.

Courtesy of this website