Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 3060: Riddles, my nemesis.

Is there a way to make me good at riddles? Because I read this riddle on a blog I follow and I was extremely disappointed with my "answer" (what's the word for this -- an "answer" to a riddle?).
A father and his son are in a car accident. The father dies instantly, and the son is taken to the nearest hospital. The doctor comes in and exclaims, "I can't operate on this boy." "Why not?" the nurse asks. "Because he's my son," the doctor responds. How is this possible?

The answer is, the doctor is the son's mother.

I remember riddles as a child. Mainly from random pop-ups I would get from perusing any website with 'N SYNC mentioned (true story). And double mainly, I would remember how bad I was at them. Here is another example:
Is there a Fourth of July in England? Yes, there is a July 4th in every country.
These are just two examples of my ineptitude to find the punchline? answer? whatchamacallit? to a riddle.

What was most frustrating about the first riddle, before the jump, is the fact that it's so obvious once you read it. A child has two parents. If the father is dead, who is left but the mother? What is most disturbing is that as a soon-to-be female doctor, double-u-tee-eff. How did I miss that? The gender gap is closing in medicine and yet, when I think about it, all of my physicians growing up were male. Male pediatrician. Male internist. Male ob/gyn. Even though I am a woman entering medicine, and I want to rip everyone's head off who refers to me as a nurse (no offense), I personally can't seem to wrap my brain around female physicians. At least not in riddle form. In real life, I am so freaking proud of every female physician I meet. (Especially any woman in surgery because you put your life on hold for that career path -- amen to you sisters!) We are all endeavoring to break the glass ceiling and I am here to say I will gladly stand up for whichever woman proceeds to break it. In a world of catty, bitchy, unfriendly, and unkind behavior intra-womenly (that's a new word, I'm making it a thing, like "fetch"), it is more important in these more "valued" professions to be supportive of one another and not so high-school-minded.

So, to bring it all around, what has this riddle taught me? I am a) still bad at riddles, b) I need to find some true blue female doctor friends, c) I need to start identifying women as doctors even before considering males in the equation.