Anyway, my auspiciously amazing friend Nicki got into her first grad school! I'm sure many more acceptances are on their way but I thought I should share the good news with all ... four of you. Haha, one of whom is Nicki, but that's besides the point.
Lastly, I found this in my e-mail...
Hilarious? Yes. True? Most definitely.
...and I found the image to be quite appropriate for life. Applying to schools is a lot like baby-making. It only takes one. For schools, one acceptance removes a lot of stress and pressure. For baby-making, it just takes one good swimmer to latch on to the mothership and a new life begins. More often than not, one isn't the loneliest number so much as the constantly-sought-after-but-not-always-attained number. But, I can see how that wouldn't make such a catchy song.